FAQ on the application process

If you cannot find an answer to your questions here, you can contact our support office at any time kontakt@thepowerofthearts.de

1Who can apply for The Power of the Arts award for art and culture?

Eligibility is open to non-profit institutions whose projects and initiatives use art and culture to advocate for social and cultural equality and aim to take down structural, social, and cultural barriers in the interest of a diverse and democratic society. The award is given to projects or concepts that are yet to be realized or have just started being rolled out. To be eligible, the submitting institution must have non-profit status and be based in Germany. Furthermore, all project participants must be of legal adult age, and the project must be primarily oriented toward people aged 18 and over.

2How many projects will funding be awarded to?
In 2024, five projects or concepts will each be awarded a sum of 50,000 euros.
3How are the projects selected?

The jury procedure for The Power of the Arts is carried out over two stages. As part of this process, all applications are fully considered and reviewed. Submissions from non-profit organizations and projects with people under the age of 18 as project participants or explicit target group as well as with an invalid budget plan will be excluded for formal reasons. A preliminary selection of projects is proposed to the jury from which the awardees could be chosen. The jury receives a list of all applications submitted with an opportunity to review further applications and take them into consideration while selecting the award winners.

The jury of The Power of the Arts is comprised of prominent figures from arts and culture who bear internationally recognized professional expertise and likewise stand for the diversity of our society. The jury is appointed anew each year by the sponsor of the initiative The Power of the Arts, Philip Morris GmbH. Information about the jury members can be found on the website. Most of jury members have been on the jury since the first call for entries. While there can be changed in the line-up are possible, there is an intention to further develop the award in terms of content and quality along a continued discourse. The jury strives for the highest level of professionalism, esteem, and respect in the selection process for and the debate over the awardee projects.

4Can I apply with a project that has been carried out in the past and is going to be realized again?

Yes, that is possible. It will be advantageous for the project description to focus on potential evaluation and advances the project has experienced.

5Can I apply as a freelance band, freelance ensemble, or freelance artist?
Freelancers can apply provided the concept and/or project is going to be implemented with sponsorship by a non-profit organization or initiative (gGmbH, registered association, public law institution, etc.). That information needs to be entered accordingly in the field “Name of organization, sponsor, or event organizer” (see online application form).
6What is the application process for The Power of the Arts?

The following steps need to be taken to apply to The Power of the Arts:

  • Registration opens on 15 April 2024 at thepowerofthearts.de under the menu item “Bewerbung” / “Application”.
  • You’ll then receive your login information via email.
  • You can use that information to login and start the application right away.

Alternative application option: We kindly ask applicants who are not able to submit an application via the form due to an impairment to please contact the Support Office. We will be happy to work with you to find a suitable way for entering your application – e.g. via interview (audio/video). You can reach us via email: kontakt@thepowerofthearts.de. Please note that we’ll require a bit of advanced notice, so be sure to get in touch well before the application period closes – no later than Friday, 31 May 2024 – so that the application deadline can be met.

The application deadline is midnight (12:00am) on 14 June 2024. Technical support will only be provided on the day until 6:00pm.

7I didn’t receive a confirmation email.

Confirmation of your application is sent automatically. If you haven’t received it yet, then please first check whether you entered your email address correctly, and also be sure to check your spam folder. If you still can’t find an email, then please contact the Support Office at kontakt@thepowerofthearts.de.

8Can I submit my application in another language?
Applications are accepted in German and English only.
9How do I perform the financial calculation for the application?
The application needs to disclose the project’s financial structure. To do so, an editable PDF is available for download – the budget. You’ll need to download the form, fill it out, and then upload it in the next step. For expenditures that cannot yet be named with exactness, we do ask that a calculation be made for the corresponding items – i.e. please do some research to determine a number that will be as realistic as possible as a placeholder for the final amount.
10How can I save the information entered in the online form?
Applying via the online form takes place in several individual steps, each of which involves one or more queries and/or uploads. You can save your entries and continue editing the form at any time. Please note that the save function will only work if you have completed all of the fields and uploaded all of the required documents for a specific step. If you are not yet unable to answer an individual question, then please use a placeholder. You will be able to edit all entries up to final submission. After sending, editing will no longer be possible.
11Why are the file names of the submitted PDF documents changed?
All documents are automatically renamed during upload, irrespective of the name you’ve saved them under. This is done in order to be absolutely certain of correct allocation to your project and happens intentionally.
12Can I still change my application after having sent it?
Once you have submitted your application, you won’t be able to make any further changes to it. The Support Office likewise cannot make any changes to applications after submission. That means you need to be certain that all information is complete when submitting the application. Re-activation is not possible.
13When can I expect to see a decision from the jury?
The jury will make its decision regarding the awardee projects in the fall of 2024. After that, we will notify all applicants of the results from the jury session.
14What documents are needed in order for the award money to be paid out to the winners?
The following documents must be provided by the awardee projects prior to payout of the award money: current notice of tax exemption; annual financial report, as available; most recent annual financial statement; articles of association or by-laws; application form for the award money; and a detailed cost and financial plan for the project.
15Are awardee projects obliged to make reference to The Power of the Arts?

All project-related media (e.g. audio and video recordings, posters, flyers, books, film products, invitation cards, websites, press releases, press invitations, programs) must be marked with the funding reference “Sponsored by:” and the award winner logo of The Power of the Arts with a reference to the sponsor, Philip Morris GmbH.

16Does the award money have to be used/spent in full?
Yes, the award money of 50,000 euros must be used and spent in full. The actual costs incurred must be evidenced following project completion. During the course of the project, approval will be required for content modifications or changes which are financial in nature
17Whom do I turn to with further questions?

The Support Office is happy to be at your service for all questions regarding content as well as for technical assistance. You can reach it via email at kontakt@thepowerofthearts.de.

Please note: The demand for assistance is higher toward the end of the application period, which means waiting times are to be expected. Therefore, do be sure to contact the Support Office as early as possible with your questions.

18What is Philip Morris GmbH’s connection to The Power of the Arts?

The Power of the Arts award for promoting art and culture was initiated by Philip Morris GmbH in 2017. The funding as well as the entire infrastructure for the competition is provided by Philip Morris GmbH. This award is in no way associated with the company’s products.

The promotion of non-profit projects comprises part of Philip Morris GmbH’s long-standing tradition of social and cultural engagement. Philip Morris GmbH sponsors projects for the socially and physically disadvantaged, projects against domestic violence, projects for the promotion of women’s issues, for education, and for income-generating measures for young adults. The company has been well known since the 60s as a patron of large-scale collections, exhibitions, and artists. Since 2017, the company has been combining both of these aspects via The Power of the Arts, supporting non-profit institutions which use art and culture to promote social participation for all.

The company’s socio-political commitment includes further measures. With its study “How we really live” (Original German title:Wie wir wirklich leben”), the company investigates in partnership with the Rheingold Institute the citizenry’s expectations on politics as well as how they want to be involved in political decision-making processes.  In 2021, Philip Morris GmbH initiated Power for Democracy, an award for projects which strive to strengthen democracy.