Kein Schlussstrich! Ein bundesweites Theaterprojekt zum NSU-Komplex (No closure! A nationwide theatre project on the National Socialist Underground)
Ten years after the NSU trio became public, 15 theaters and civil society actors throughout Germany are networking under the title “Licht ins Dunkel” (Light into the Dark). With the transmedial music format “Manifesto”, its own theater premieres as well as a diverse framework, the decentralized theater project directs attention to the issue of racism, opens space for debate and sets an example against oblivion of the victims and those affected by legal terrorism and racist violence.
3 new questions to… the curator team of Kein Schlussstrich! (No closure!)
In September 2020, Licht ins Dunkel e.V. was founded to coordinate Kein Schlussstrich! Together with curator Ayşe Güleç, dramaturges Tunçay Kulaoğlu and Simon Meienreis and sociologist Matthias Quent, the cooperation network of theatres and institutions from 15 cities realised a broad programme. The unifying element was the decentralised premiere of the oratorio MANIFEST(O) by Marc Sinan, alongside an exhibition project, 14 individual productions on the NSU complex and diverse workshop and discourse events.
The prize is a recognition – not only for the project, but above all for its theme. Kein Schlussstrich! allowed artists to speak who have already achieved extraordinary effects in the context of artistic confrontation with racism and racist violence. In this way, a diverse audience could be reached. The funding gave us the financial scope to do this
Kein Schlussstrich! sees itself as an open platform for actors and initiatives who share the goals of a complete investigation of the NSU complex and the further discussion of discrimination and racist violence through artistic and activist means. This process must continue.
3 questions to… the curator team of Kein Schlussstrich! (No closure!)
Fifteen theaters and actors are networking nationwide to work against racism and against forgetting the NSU terror.
In the multifaceted framework program, artists who have already made an extraordinary impact in the context of artistic confrontation with racism and racist violence will have their say. Readings, guest performances and concerts with artists such as İdil Baydar and “Songs of Gastarbeiter” are planned. These artistic contributions will expand the aesthetic field and reach a broad spectrum of viewers. The funding amount of 20,000 euros will be used for fees for artists.
…to become more democratic (in the sense of free, equal and solidary for all).