sexability by THIKWA WERKSTATT FÜR THEATER UND KUNST (Workshop for Theatre and Art) by nbw gGmbH
Sexability deals with the diversity and reality of sexuality from the perspective of people with so-called disabilities as a contribution to an inclusive society. In an artistic creation process of people with and without disabilities, an animated film is created that informs, explains and breaks down social taboos in a sensitive way.
“The project approaches a reserved subject with great sensitivity. Sexability finds ways to break taboos and myths related to the sexuality of disabled people. As an artistic medium, the animated film is suited to deal with the topic in an artistically and qualitative manner – visual and informative, without being exposing. An important project that makes an essential contribution to participation and inclusion”, says the jury.
3 new questions to… Anne-Christin Plate, artist and filmmaker
Today, sexability is a project in which six artists from the Thikwawerkstatt research and work artistically. Regular meetings and research trips to museums, theatres and a sex shop enable exchange and trust. Parallel to this, pictures and drawn animations are created: What does lust look like? Is sex like flying? The clips are the impetus to deal with sexuality and disability in a lustful, critical and open way and to ask: For whom is knowledge about sexuality accessible? How naturally can people deal with their sexuality and their desire? How can people with disabilities have self-determined sexual experiences?
The award has been a big yes to the project, which still carries us. The pledge is not only a financial but also an ideal support.
We will make sexability accessible to a broad audience. We want to present the project, discuss it and make it known. Our goal is to find new formats to explore disability and sexuality, to tell stories and to change the way society deals with it
3 questions to… Anne-Christin Plate, artist and filmmaker
Sexability deals with sexuality and disability. Artists of the THIKWA WERKSTATT FÜR THEATER UND KUNST of the nbw gGmbH develop an animated film.
We will use funding sum of 20,000 euros to realize the inclusively animated film sexability as well as to carry out content-related preparatory workshops and tech.
… is that disabled people can freely develop their personality and their potential, within our society, without compromise, with all the support they can get.